Hey all! We’re trying something a little new for this list of writing prompts. I’ve seen people use dictionary definitions to inspire their writing. This is a list of some fun and unusual words for you! See what weird words spark your interest.
15 Writing Prompts – Dictionary Definitions
Confession: I have a lot of dictionaries. Some of them are totally normal. Webster’s Dictionaries, American Standard, all the big ones. Most of those I got for free. If I see a dictionary in a free book box, 90% of the time I pick it up.
I don’t know why. I rarely look in said dictionaries. Exactly once I gave a friend a used dictionary as a gift — he really wanted to have a real paper dictionary.
Some of my dictionaries are a little stranger. I have an anagram dictionary, a rhyming dictionary, multiple slang dictionaries, two “weird word” dictionaries, and more baby name books than I can count. There’s also a few thesauruses and other assorted reference books in the mix. I look forward to digging into them all for future prompts.
The definitions on this list are all taken from Mrs. Byrne’s Dictionary of Unusual, Obscure, and Preposterous Words, by Josefa Heifetz Byrne. I picked words at random, so it’s an odd mix.
My tip for the week? Don’t alloo on the quidam that hides in the uvid haha, y’all. I don’t care what kind of habromanic musard you are, or how big of a karimption you can gather. You never know what kind of crotaline manqueller might be spatrifying your haha.
Spell check hates me now.
Good luck, and may these words inspire wonderful worlds for you!
15 Dictionary Inspirations
1) Habromania
n. Extreme euphoria.
2) Crotaline
adj. Pertaining to rattlesnakes.
3) Manqueller
n. Murderer.
4) Uvid
adj. Moist or wet.
5) Musard
n. An absent-minded dreamer, or fool.
6) Gulosity
n. Enormous appetite; greediness.
7) Haha
n. A sunken wall, invisible from a distance.
8) Spatrify
v.t. & i. To besmirch, befoul; to sully and spot.
9) Alloo
v.t. To set on; to incite.
10) Peristerophily
n. The breeding, care, and training of pigeons.
11) Jactancy
n. Boasting, bragging.
12) Irpe
adj. A grimace or bodily contortion
13) Fimblefamble
n. Excuse, particularly a phony one; a lying answer.
14) Quidam
n. An unknown person.
15) Karimption
n. A crowd; a mass.
Look, I never said I would make it easy on you, okay? That would’ve been plain fimblefamble.
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Boombox Product Roundup
Hey all! It probably comes as no surprise I like vintage things. Vintage music things are even better.
So this weekend me and my family went on a thrifting expedition for a desk, and while we were out, I saw an awesome vintage boombox. I’m talking a full-on Lloyd Dobler playing Peter Gabriel box, a Radio Raheem blasting Public Enemy kind of deal.
This sucker had spots for two cassettes. Recording capabilities and all. Maybe that fazes some people, because who has cassettes anymore? Well, I do, and my brother has even more. I’m not fazed by tapes.
Which makes it all the sadder that I didn’t buy it.
Didn’t even see it until we were on the way out.
So in honor of that lost treasure, this week’s product roundup features art prints, pins, and more of the old-school Spotify, the boombox.
Two pins from two different places! The first is a clean white and teal box, enamel and ready for all your 80’s throwback parties. The other is a laser cut wood pin, more woodsy, a little more grunge and super cool. Either one would make a rocking accessory to any outfit or bag!
Bed-Stuy, Do or Die. Do The Right Thing is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time. It’s one of the hardest to watch. But so worth it. If you haven’t seen it, go. Do it. Now. Seriously.
I wish it wasn’t relevant anymore. God, I wish it wasn’t. Until it’s not any more, I’ll hope Radio Raheem’s watching over us, making sure the hand of love triumphs in the end.
Once again, I couldn’t pick between two stickers. The first design impresses me with its detail, especially with the black and white tones. The second–okay, I really don’t care about Say Anything, John Cusack’s great but it’s a shoddy romance at best, the minor characters are more interesting. But that’s a damn fine joke.
If you’re still hungry for more arts to shop, may I recommend my own lines of notebooks on Etsy and my art on Society6 and Redbubble? Your support is much appreciated and helps keep this blog running!
Hey there! It’s officially University Season, so between that and the upkeep of my business, I highly doubt I’ll have much time to post. That said, I have a new writing tip! It’s one I found very helpful recently – having a daily word count goal.
Writing Tip #7 – Daily Word Count Goals
Last week, I finished writing a book. Okay, it was a rough draft of a book. A very rough draft. It still has many issues to fix before anyone besides friends and family even can know about it.
But I finished, dammit. I wrote a book.
And I’m not saying that to brag (much). I’m proud, but I also want you to have to tools you need to do the same.
If you’re here, you want to know how to write better (I hope). I totally get that. I didn’t find it in me to write a real book until after I’d read dozens of other author’s works, online and in print, on how to tell a story.
All of those things helped me get to the point I am today. I learned many lessons from all–on plot, characters, form, whatever.
That said, the tools for helping with the act of writing did little for me. For whatever reasons, certain tips that other authors swear by did nothing to motivate me. I had to find my own limits and skills.
The tool that worked the best for me? Making myself write no less than a certain number of words every day.
Early this summer, right after my spring classes ended, I told myself that I would try to write a book. I had no real plans to speak of for the summer, so I made a daily schedule for myself–write in the morning, read in the afternoon, do tasks for this blog and my business in the evening.
Based on the total word count I expected, and a rough estimate of the number of days I had, I knew I’d have to write more than 500 words every day if I wanted to finish before classes started.
It wasn’t the first time I gave myself that task for the summer. Two years in a row, I wrote at least 500 words a day on a vague comic book script (still not even halfway done). Sure, it was vague. The rules changed as I felt like it. Not writing on the weekends? Sure, why not. On vacation? That’s fine.
I wrote. Lots of words hit the page. It worked well, and got some of my story out.
This time, I wasn’t nearly as lenient.
The Rules
500 words had to happen. Each day. Every day. No exceptions.
It’s a weekend? 500 words.
Stressed out and tired? 500 words.
Only an hour to write? 500 words.
On vacation? 500 words. Or more.
Sometimes I could barely reach that number. Sometimes I blew way past. Writing dialogue? Suddenly 1,000+ new words are on the page. Writing a bit of plot that totally lost me? Exactly 501 words written, finished at 1:30 PM.
When I started working on the project, that barely happened. I’d finish before noon each day, often with at least 600 words. After two months of straight writing, it got a whole lot harder.
Should I have taken breaks? Probably. Did I have time to? Nope.
More importantly, was I gonna break my 500 per day streak just because I had a bad day? Hell no.
Going Over the Count is Okay!
In the last month or so of writing, I realized I needed to do 750 a day to get to the total count I expected the book to finish at. But I didn’t reset my count calculators to help. So I kept writing 500. Sometimes I’d get to 750, sometimes 1,000.
It wasn’t enough.
Last week I wrote 1,500+ words for 5 days in a row.
I’m still coming off of the exhausting high of finishing my book.
But I finished.
If you’ve got the muse or the determination, don’t stop. Get it out.
Don’t Beat Yourself Up If You Miss the Goal
Okay, I have to be honest–at least with this last session, I would’ve beat myself up for not getting to 500. No matter what I say, my brain still thinks of 500 words as generously low.
It’s not.
Getting up and writing ANYTHING, be it a sentence or thirty pages, is so much more than most people will ever do.
I probably should’ve taken some breaks to clear my head. I didn’t. But I also had the luxury of not having many commitments while I was writing.
If I missed my goal right now, with all my other deadlines, I wouldn’t get too stressed about it. Remember, writing should have an element of love and passion, not just numerical goals all the time.
Or, to be blunt, unless you’re lucky enough to have a publisher/agent, you’re the only one who cares if you miss your goal.
Word Count Varies Per Person
The advice I see all the time is to just write. To put all the words on the page. Don’t think about it. Just do it.
That has never worked for me. I am a perfectionist. Every word must be perfect. The sentence lengths must vary. The word choice must make sense for the given character. Words and phrases can’t repeat in the same section. So on and so forth.
I can’t turn my need for perfection off, but I don’t mind anymore. I just have to work around the slow pace that results.
That means that, for the most part, the 1,667 words a day or 10,000 per weekend or whatever that NaNoWriMo requires? Not possible for me. Especially not if I do anything other than write during the day or want sleep.
And I want sleep. That much I refuse to give up for anything, good grades and writing included.
So, 500 words is my magic daily word count.
Famous Authors and their Daily Word Counts
Years ago, I found this great article and chart at Writers Write that shares the approximate daily word counts of 39 different authors, plus quotes about writing from each of them. It’s worth a look.
But with caution.
I love Ray Bradbury. Ray Bradbury wrote 1,000 words a day. I am not Ray Bradbury.
The thing is, the bulk of Bradbury’s words, especially in the early days? Those words paid him directly, thanks to the golden age of fast-paced pulp fiction where more words meant more money.
He had much more financial motivation to write more than me. The same goes for the 2,000 words Stephen King writes. No one pays me to write. I only have my own passion to drive me. Passion is great–but sometimes it needs a kick in the ass to keep up.
If you’re not a professional writer, you can’t expect yourself to meet the daily word counts of one. Especially not if you have a full time job or education that has nothing to do with writing.
Right now, the words I have time to write are limited to lab reports, blog posts, and my nightly journal entry. I simply don’t have the time or energy to write fiction. And that’s okay.
When I have the motivation to write again, I will. No matter my surroundings.
If you have the motivation to write, what are you still doing here? Go write!
What’s Your Magic Daily Word Count?
How do you know how many words you can write in a day?
Trial and error, my friend. That’s it.
See what you write when you’re feeling driven, when you can devote all your attention to your writing. See how much you write when you want to throw your computer across the room. The sweet spot for most days is probably in the middle.
As I mentioned, 500 is mine. I found out early on in writing that 2,000+ words a day? It ain’t happening. As far as I can recall, I’ve done that once. Last week. When I was pushing all of my energy into finishing by a deadline.
Most of the time? 500 is the max of what I can do in a reasonable period.
You might be able to drop 2,000 words a day like it’s nothing. More power to you. Maybe 500 is too much for you. That’s cool too.
Find a way to get yourself to write. Some writing is better than none. If you take nothing else away from this, remember that. If you want to be a writer, you have to write.
Having a daily word count goal can make that easier.
I’m not particularly goal-driven, but if I start something, good luck getting me to stop. I’ve written in my journal every single day since May 2013. I’m stubborn. Word count streaks work for me better than anything else.
Maybe they won’t work for you. That’s fine. I hope you’re able to find the method that does motivate you. Some people do well with timed sessions. That’s not for me, but I might write a tip on that someday in the future, since it seems to help others.
The big thing is to not give up. If one way of writing doesn’t work, find another. The internet is filled with helpful hints for your perusal.
Tools to Use
If you write non-linearly like I do, find yourself an app with word count tracking built in–as in, you can see exactly how many new words you’ve written.
I use Highland 2, which lets you make a “goal” of total words, total pages, new words, or new pages, and shows you the progress as you write. I love it and hate it. It makes it easy to check how I’m doing–but also how much I have left.
NaNoWriMohas tracking tools during the month of November, and possibly year round? Like I said–writing 50,000 words in a month is not for me. Worth
A quick web search for “word counter” will also reveal dozens of free tools for counting your total word number, and there’s a couple of free apps as well for tracking.
If all else fails, make a spreadsheet! Most word processors also have ways to display your total word count. You can make a note of the count when you start, or use the total count to make milestones. Start at 213? Aim for 750, or 1,000.
Some authors track page count as an alternative. This is also great! Two double-spaced pages is usually a little more than 500 words. Most word processors can also track that.
As always, find what works for you.
About 1750 words in 2 days, in case you were wondering about this article. 😉
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Firefly Product Roundup
Apparently I’m on a summer product kick, as today’s roundup features my favorite summer bug (one of very few bugs I actually like), the firefly! Or lightning bug, depending on where you are. I use both in speech. Virginia’s weird like that.
When me and my family went camping recently at Hungry Mother State Park (highly recommend!), the mountain climate meant that fireflies surrounded our cabin in full force at night. I always forget how much I love seeing those weird glowing bugs until they appear again. I don’t care about the science behind the glow. I’m calling it magic.
Here’s the firefly product roundup, a little tail-end of summer magic for you.
Okay, yes, this is two items, but they’re quite similar. The Glass For Happy fireflies come in minimum sets of 3, and have an option to add holes for beadwork. Also just beautifully simple. When I came up with this topic for the roundup, I wanted to find a glass lightning bug that I loved, and these fit the bill nicely.
The Kari Beads fireflies are more expensive, but their rear ends are glow-in-the-dark. The overall design is also more detailed. I love both works, but would definitely not use the Kari Beads one for something that needs a lot of fireflies!
Normally I don’t include bags in these roundups, but this design on a bag looks amazing. Seriously, more than any other design here, Paulussen’s art captures the magic of a night of catching lightning bugs. It’s also available as a print, if you want the whimsical piece on your wall.
I love altered book art like this print. The design is laser-printed onto old dictionary pages! Each print is unique. This would probably look right at home in a cottage retreat in the woods, right beside a shelf full of books and a window seat…
Speaking of great wall art for your cabin, this whimsical design is top notch! A+ for the clever humor here. I have to wonder, though–how would you keep the bugs alive if they’re encased in the glass? …I’m probably thinking about this too much…
A lovely pin! And it glows in the dark! So maybe don’t wear it during games of summertime hide and seek. Or do. Whatever. You do you. I’ll just be over here digging this luminous work.
Nice clean lines and colors and a gorgeous design. Love it. Also available as a nice print on Society6 , and on tons of other items on Redbubble. Put your bold firefly everywhere!
If you’re still hungry for more arts to shop, may I recommend my own lines of notebooks on Etsy and my art on Society6 and Redbubble? Your support is much appreciated and helps keep this blog running!