notebook the myers briggs test

Hey there! Today I’m talking about using the Myers-Briggs test in your writing. Personality tests can be both fun and enlightening as inspiration for characters. When used with caution.

Writing Tip #4 – Use the Myers-Briggs Test For Characterization

Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers created the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in the 1940s as a way to indicate personality types based on Carl Jung’s archetypes. The test has since been used extensively in the business and educational worlds, but does not have any true scientific background. It’s basically just a fancy Buzzfeed quiz. Which, hey, use those for characterization too, if you want.

I’m not a huge fan of using the MBTI for definitively classifying people, real or not.  Unless you find comfort in categorization, I recommend caution with any test that declares you as a specific type of anything. People are more fluid than binary types give us credit for.

That said, the MBTI can offer valuable new insights to your characters.

Take the test as your character

No, not as yourself (unless you really want to – I’ll get to that).

Get into your character’s head. Answer all the questions as though you are your character. Consider both what you know about them and what you don’t.

Simply trying to determine the difference between what your character thinks of themself versus who they really are can reveal a lot.

Do your best, but don’t worry if you make up answers on the fly. That’s part of the process. If you want, take the test more than once for a character. See what changes.

Once you take one version of the test enough times, you’ll start to figure out what answers lead to what results. I recommend using multiple different sites to avoid that. Two free options are here and here.

Analyze the answers AND the results

Inspiration can hit while you’re taking the test. Maybe you’ve never thought about how your character interacts with other people. Maybe you haven’t considered whether or not your character is willing to cry in front of people.

I found out one of my characters is 100% in favor of getting revenge when people anger her. That surprised me. I don’t know what to do with that fact yet. I’m a little scared, but in a good way.

If you’re working with a newer character, the 4-letter type given at the end can help you develop the character on surface levels.

Does the character need a job? See what professions their type does best in. Not sure what their love life looks like? Take the test for their partner(s) too and look for charts that compare the relationships of those types.

Similarly, the MBTI can show you where you need to develop your character better. If there were questions you doubted the answers on, ask yourself why.

What part of your character’s background have you missed considering? Does this character lie to themself about a part of their personality to look or feel better?

Don’t be afraid to dig deep into the type. I personally enjoy comparing my character’s type to those of real famous people and other fictional characters.

Compare to yourself (optional)

While I don’t recommend using the test for yourself, having a general sense of how the test would categorize you can be interesting to compare to your characters. It also can help you look for ways to make sure your characters don’t all sound like slight variations of you.

My characters have a definite tendency towards certain MBTI traits. Generally, I make “intuitive” and “feeling” characters, both of which I consistently test as.

Two results from me testing two different characters. The second is the same type as me. (Images from 16 Personalities)

I forced myself to play around with the answers on other tests, reminding myself that what I consider the right answer might not be the same as my character. Easier said than done, for sure.

Remember, nothing is binary

I took the Myers-Briggs test multiple times for one of my characters because the first results didn’t feel right. I’m still not satisfied with the results. There are little things that feel off, that a different profile result might resolve.

I’m forcing myself to stop trying to get the perfect type, though. Simply taking the test has made me consider that character’s background and personality more. I’ve discovered things he struggles with, and determined why.

Before taking the MBTI for him, I thought I knew him pretty well. It turned out I still have a lot more to learn.

Just like people, the best characters are complex. The MBTI can’t magically create the perfect character for you, nor can it tell you everything about that character.

Mostly, like any personality quiz, it’ll just make you consider new things.

And isn’t that the goal of any writing?

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Other writing tips can be found here.

Need a place to put your writing? Check out my line of notebooks on Etsy!

For your pinning pleasure:

myers-briggs test summary

Black Lives Matter Product Roundup

Howdy! I had a bunch of brilliant ideas for this week’s roundup, but while I was trying to decide what to do, I thought of the movement that’s been on everyone’s mind lately, the Black Lives Matter movement.

Without going in to too much detail, the recent protests have made me do a lot of thinking. I’m white, and while this has not been my first consideration of my own privilege, local action has made me rethink a lot about the world I live in. I support the BLM movement, and I hope to continue to learn about what can be done to fix the fundamental issues in American society.

For the moment, what I can do is share the works of Black artists, and ask you to support these artists! All the works I’ve selected come from Black-owned businesses on Etsy, which means the max amount of money goes to those artists or the charities they support. 

With all that said, here’s the Black Lives Matter Product Roundup!

black lives matter product roundup

1) Scotch and Tea, Black Lives Matter Postcards

These postcards were what inspired this roundup. My mom asked me to look for BLM postcards on Etsy, and while these are more art than mass-mail, I absolutely love these designs. In other timely design, the artist also has handmade face masks and stay-at-home Pride gear.

2) Mosaic Pop Art, Black Lives Matter T-Shirt

This design is beautiful. Simple and to the point, but elegant. You can also find it on Mosaic Pop Art’s shop as a sticker, as well as many other cool pieces. Net proceeds from this art go to the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund.

3) Black Girl Magic Gifts, Black Lives Matter Sticker

Gold glitter background. Fantastic Afro-sporting woman. What more can I say? I love it!

4) XO, Nicole Designs, Juneteenth Button Pins

If you’re looking for a small way to show your support and/or Black Pride, these pins are beautiful and to the point. There’s two other designs, and you can pick three or get all six.

5) 38ktgold Artistry, Power to the People Art

Art or protest sign? Guess that’s up to you to choose. I love the bold basic design of this painting. The artist also has a bunch of other colorful artworks available, but during June 100% of proceeds from this work goes to organization Assata’s Daughters.

6) Breathe Live Explore, Black Lives Matter Art Print

Gorgeous. The colors bring me so much joy. Again, the artist has multiple other lovely Black-centric designs to check out, so make sure you do!

If you’re looking for other ways to financially support the Black community, Autostraddle and TIME have great resources. Most online marketplaces like Etsy have made lists to promote Black sellers, and if you can, buy locally as well! And remember, even if you can’t do much financially, listening to the needs of Black folks and POC (especially if you’re white), learning, and educating are free and vital.

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For more product roundups, click here.

when to not take advice about writing notebook graphic

Welcome to the Possum Paper Works Writing Tip Rodeo! Today I’m looking at something very important – when to NOT take advice about how to write. Specifically, I’m acknowledging my own fallibility in running this rodeo.

Writing Tip #3 – When to Not Take Advice

A disclaimer I should have included about this series a while ago: I’m an amateur writer. I’m not published and I don’t have a degree in English. I cannot solve all of your writing issues, because I can’t always solve my own. I am human and thus imperfect. Nonetheless, I love writing, I love learning more about writing, and I love sharing what I do know.

"beware of advice--even this" carl sandburg

Why I’m writing these tips

I believe that anyone who has a story to tell should have the tools to share that story. Every little bit of knowledge I’ve accumulated about writing has the potential to help you build your own toolkit.

I don’t expect to teach you everything you need to know about writing, and I’d hope you don’t expect me to. What I want you to get from my advice is exactly what the label reads: writing tips.

What I share are snippets of information I’ve learned to help you figure out how you write the best; how you can tell your own stories. I want to share what I can to help you improve. There’s no need for poorly-written stories to exist when good ones could take their place.

As Mr. Sandburg’s advice shows, even this week’s tip (and every tip of mine) should be taken with caution. Remember, I’m a proud amateur.

Ask yourself: does the advice work for you?

As I write this, I’m procrastinating on working on a different project. Recently I’ve been trying to write at least 500 words a day in one specific work. Many guides to writing suggest writing much more than that a day.

I’ve found that I often can’t. Between being a student, running a business, and the distractions of everyday life, 500 already can be a stretch. Some days I can write 1000 or more, but trying something like the 1700 daily words of NaNoWriMo? Forget it. I think I’ve done that once.

I share tips and tricks that have worked for me in some way. My previous tip about using music for inspiration might seem obvious to most creative people, but not everyone. After all, everyone finds inspiration in their own ways. That’s what makes our stories unique and interesting.

Keeping that in mind, you have to find the things that work for you. Not what worked for your favorite author or your best friend. For you and you alone.

Maybe you write best at three in the morning. I’m not awake then, much less writing. If you find a tip that tells you to write first thing when you wake up, that’s probably not advice you want to take.

Perhaps that seems like common sense to you. Again, though, I find it’s important to remind both myself and other writers that not everyone follows the same rules and that’s okay.

Feel free to experiment with rules and advice

Don’t pressure yourself to always follow the rules you’re given. If someone tells you that there’s only one way to write, acknowledge their point, and write a completely different way.

Play with how you write dialogue. James Joyce and David Mamet both did so to great effect. See how many adverbs you can cram into your sentences and then cut out every single one.  Imitate the styles of Ernest Hemingway and Virginia Woolf both, at one time even.

Yeah, there are rules in writing. Some of them are there to help the readers make better sense of what you’re saying. It’s not a bad idea to learn those rules. But don’t feel obliged to follow any of them.  Imagine how many classic works of literature and poetry would never have been written if the authors followed the established rules!

Consider who’s giving the advice

Are you getting tips from a professional writer or an amateur? Someone who writes for a living or for the story? A blog or a book?

Don’t think for a second any one of those sources is inherently better than another.

There are amateurs with better instincts than bestselling authors, with tips better for your style than any pro. If you’re writing something to sell it, the people who make a profit are likely to have more relevant tips than writers who write for the sake of the art. Books are just as likely to be filled with nonsense as a stranger on the internet, or with gold.

This is akin to any basic fact-checking procedure for research. Know the background of who you take advice from. Look them up on the internet beyond their own page. See if what they write is similar to what you want to, or if they themselves are similar.

If anything about the person or the suggestion doesn’t feel right for your style, personality, or even politics, consider rethinking the advice. That doesn’t mean you have to ignore the advice, but it does mean you don’t have to beat yourself up for not following everything they said to the letter.

Remember, you can always use advice in your own way. It’s your life and your writing.

Above all, don’t stop writing and learning.

No matter what people tell you about how to write, don’t stop writing. If someone’s advice is to not write, ignore that advice. If someone promises the end-all be-all guide to writing, take their tips, understand what you can, and learn more.

Writing is freedom. Creativity in any form gives you the ability to share the worlds and lives in your head and the things you love. The best advice is the kind that comes from that same place love, of sharing, of improving, and of learning.

Not all advice is equal. People can tell you whatever they want to. Just remember that only you can choose what knowledge you take to heart.

And never, ever, stop listening and learning.

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For more writing tips, click here!

Need a place to put your writing? Check out my line of notebooks on Etsy!

For your pinning pleasure:

writing tip three - pinterest summary

possum paper works product roundup

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Otter Product Roundup

Welcome to the otter product roundup! Today we’re looking at the slickest little water cat, the otter.

ollie the otter at zion

Ollie, my otter friend from Seattle, approves of this topic fully. This is a semi-blurry otter pic of Ollie at Zion National Park last summer, hanging out by the river. He claims it’s his natural habitat (but the one time he got wet he was not pleased).

If you need some otter action (and who doesn’t), there are live feeds available from the Georgia Aquarium, Monterey Bay Aquarium , and in my neck of the woods, Maymont.

Here’s some cool otter art!

otter product roundup

1) Glitter Punk Jewelry, Land and Sea Hugging Otters Pin

AAAHHH SO CUTE. I love the night sky behind the hugging otters! Glitter Punk Jewelry has a bunch of other cool pins and artworks available with cuddling animals. Check them out!

2) Tartankiwi Patterns, Otterly Adorable Quilt Pattern

If you’re looking for your own otter art to make, check out this quilt block pattern! Make your own otter posse quilt! I mean, look at that face, how can you resist? 

3) Sophie Corrigan, I Love You Like No Otter Print

Adorable. This is not the only otter art from Sophie Corrigan, and she sells over numerous different platforms. There’s a wonderful otter jotter notebook, but that looks like it’ll be out of stock shortly.  Sophie’s also got other punny works, like my personal favorite, the “Tom Waits, Patiently” print.

4) nvdesign, I Just Really Like Otters, OK? T-Shirt

I just really like otters, okay? And these otters are beautiful.

5) Mark Wheeler Photography, Otter Print

Look at this otter! So slick! So focused! This otter is going places, I tell you what.

…like back in the water.

6) alenaz, Otter This World Sticker

This sticker is otterly amazing (sorry)(not).

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Check out more product roundups here!

If you’re still hungry for more art to shop, may I recommend my own lines of notebooks on Etsy and my work on Society6 and Redbubble? Your support is much appreciated and helps keep this blog running!