About Possum Paper Works
Who We Are
Hi! I’m Annie! I started Possum Paper Works in 2019, in my apartment in Richmond, VA. I’m a writer, artist, engineering grad, and bookbinder.
Since 2013, I’ve kept a daily journal. In 2017, I couldn’t find any notebooks that fit what I wanted, so I pulled out a tutorial on Coptic bookbinding I had found a year before and made my first notebook. That book was made with covers of cardstock glued together and bore my very first stitches, but even after years of use it’s held together. I’ve since learned how to make even stronger books, with much more variety in materials and appearances. I can’t wait to share my books with you!
I’m supported by Ollie the Otter and Paulie the Possum.
Ollie’s a freewheeling otter from Seattle. He’s has been all over the country and loves to adventure. He doesn’t do much at PPW but sit and judge while I make notebooks but he likes to be included in things. Ollie’s claim to fame is the “Blurry Otter Pics” series of travel photos I’ve taken, in which at least one element of the photo that Ollie is in has been blurred.
Paulie is the boy you see on Possum Paper Works’ logo! He’s also got a physical form made by Dipped In Ink Crochet (https://www.etsy.com/shop/DippedInInkCrochet)! Paulie is a sweetie who loves flowers, books, and snuggles. He’s from Arizona originally and hasn’t done much traveling but he likes hearing Ollie’s stories.
What We Do
I make notebooks and art! Amongst all other manner of things as they suit my fancy.
Custom sizes, vintage materials, and unique stamp designs are all within the realm of normal at PPW.
Why The Weird Name?
In case you were wondering, City of Richmond does in fact have opossums within it, and one night one such opossum found its way into my kitchen. “Possum Paper Works” honors the young opossum that found itself cornered in a strange place, as well as the legendary engineering think-tank SkunkWorks at Lockheed Martin and the material at the core of my crafts, paper. Possums are also just the best.
Credit also goes to my dad, who used to hide a “Possum Works” logo he drew in projects at his work. And also had a possum in his kitchen in the middle of the night when he was my age.